We welcome submissions from all current Immaculata University undergraduate students.

Deadlines for Submission
Submissions are welcome at any time, but to be considered for Spring publication, submissions must be received before the first day of Spring Break.  Those received after that date may be held over to the next available publication date.

Criteria for Submission

  • Eligibility: Any undergraduate student enrolled at Immaculata University may submit a document for review for publication.
  • All submissions must be unique, the authors’ own work, and unpublished by any other journal or post.
  • Joint submissions from undergraduates with collaborating graduate or faculty authors are welcome and encouraged.
  • All authors or contributors must be listed; an undergraduate student must be listed as the primary author. All authors must read and agree to the content of the submission.


  • Submissions should be between 500 and 1000 words and be written in clear and accessible language.
  • Research submissions should follow APA guidelines for structure and citations; and acquire proper RERB approvals prior to research.
  • Names of all authors and co-authors must be included with the submission. The first author must be an Immaculata University currently enrolled undergraduate student.

Peer Review Process
All submissions are reviewed by a member of the editorial staff and then delegated to peer referees for review. The referees will review each submission and recommend a course of action for the work. At times, the editor may request the authors to edit or re-write segments of their submission before publishing it online. All communication will occur via email between the editor and the first author of the submitted work.