The Labyrinth

A Publication of the Honors Program @ Immaculata University

The Labyrinth is an undergraduate-run e-publication that promotes a range of student work across academic subject areas at Immaculata University. Research, creative writing, reviews, and projects are featured as a testament to the scholarly power of undergraduate students.

All work is written, reviewed, and selected by a team of talented undergraduate Honors students at Immaculata University.

Meet our Managing Editor: ROSE LINDSEY

My name is Rose Lindsey, and I am a Sophomore Elementary and Special Education Major from Bucks County, Pennsylvania! If I am not on campus, you can find me spending time with my family and friends at a coffee shop or at the beach, soaking up the sunshine with my two Dalmatians, or pursuing my passion for singing. Throughout high school and college, I have developed a deep love for writing, both academically and creatively, and I am looking forward to sharing my love for writing with others by serving in an editorial capacity for The Labyrinth

Join our Team!

The Labyrinth is seeking student editors to assist with reviewing and selecting work that will be featured online. Just email our Managing Editor through your email address.